MVG Forum Showcase [Early Access]

Please note the forums is currently under heavy development and everything in these images is subject to change, based on community feedback and further development. A number of features are still to be implemented and this page will be updated with more early access images when they become available.

Click on the each of the images to see a bigger version

Home Page

Our new forums home page, with a similar (but more modern) design compared to Enjin once developed it will contain all of our forums boards.

The home page also contains a number of different widgets in the sidebar, containing different information/stats about the forums (members online, total posts etc). There are a number of additional widgets we are considering/developing currently.

Similar to Cosmos these forums do come with the ability to change what theme you prefer, we are still working on the lightmode version of our theme (eww lightmode), and will have some images featuring it further into development. Unlike Cosmos all of the themes will be very similar to each other, only changing the core colour scheme of the forums

Home Page (Lightmode)

The same homepage as the default (darkmode) theme but in a lighter theme for anyone that prefers that. This theme is still under development and may be tweaked further

Forum Posts

The post/thread layout in the new forums once again is more similar to Enjin than Cosmos but once again with a more modern styling. There is the main body of the post with a number of different basic styling options (text decoration, images, emojis, etc). There is also a space for the users forum signature, which can be toggled on/off depending on each users preference towards seeing signatures.

Looking towards the sidebar there are a number of changes from the BETA version of the forums shown a few days ago. As with before we have the users basic profile information (Avatar, Name, Title) and then their rank. What has changed is the addition of badges (like we had with Enjin), more details will be said about the badges further down however any badges the user has will be shown on sidebar for all to see (you can be Neutral again Halo players). Clicking the blue down arrow will expand the sidebar and show a number of user stats (Like count, post count, etc)

User Profiles

The new forums come with a number of cool user profile features and customisations. Firstly there are the basic details, name, avatar and profile background. Under the user name you also have the users rank, their title and then the users badges. Underneath the banner there are a number of user stats, Messages, Reaction Score (likes), badges and points
In the section below the main profile there are a number of different tabs with different information.

Forum Badges

As shown/discussed in the above sections badges are making a comeback. There are currently 3 badges which have been created however a number of additional ones (including cakes) are being worked on. Badges can be awarded in 2 ways, either manually by a member of management adding them to your profile; or automatically when you reach a required criteria (eg staff). A reason can also be given when you receive a badge which will show on the badges tab.

When you are given a badge, the icon will show up in your profile and any places where your profile also shows up (forum sidebar, etc)

About Tab and Awards

The about tab of the profile contains a number of additional bits of information a user may wish to add to their account, including an About Me, Website and Steam Profile Link. The about tab will also show the users signature (if they have one) and any awards they have achieved.

Awards are similar to badges but have some key differences, awards are given for forum milestones and most users can expect to receive some of the awards. Awards are given out automatically when a user reaches a specific milestone (amount of likes, posts etc) and will give them a set number of "award points". These points don't have any values (apart from a leaderboard) currently.

The awards shown in this image are the default ones, however some custom ones may be added further on in development.

Post Templates

Many of the forum categories have templates that must be followed when posting there (Suggestions, Bugs, Appeals, etc). In order to make life simpler when creating these posts we have added automatic templates to the appropriate categories. When you create a thread in these categories the template will be there for you to fill in. You CAN edit the template text however this should only be done in limited situation, as the templates are there for a reason.

Help Pages

To ensure that using the forums is as easy as possible the forums come with a number of built in help pages, these pages explain how some of the forums many features work and how to effectively use them. The pages also contain the site privacy and cookie information.

While we have no custom help pages currently, we will be looking at any parts of the forums that are causing some issues/confusion to the community and making the appropriate pages as needed.


In line with all of our previous forums the shoutbox is returning, it will once again appear on the sidebar (not on the top and full width) following commuity feedback.

These are just a selection of the features avaliable, with many still under heavy development.
Further images will be added to this page once we have more to show off