MVG Forum Showcase [DEMO]

Please note all of the following images were captured using the DEMO version of Xenforo, this was a limited version of the software and there will be many tweaks (have already checked they are possible unlike with Cosmos), some of the things that will be tweaked are the Theme and User Sidebar.

Click on the each of the images to see a bigger version


A normal forum thread with all the basic features and many Comos was missing.

There are also a number of diffrent thread types to suite diffrent needs shown further down

Q&A Thread

Threads designed for questions and support threads, with integrated answer up/downvote system and the ability for the poster(OP) to mark a reply as the "correct" answer to their issue. This thread type is similar to the format found in systems like Stack Overflow

Suggestion Thread

Threads designed for suggestions, with intergrated up/downvote system to help see the communities opinion, as well as slightly altered thread/post layout

Annoucement Thread

Threads designed for annoucement, with the original post having an altered design to ensure it stands out. This altered designed includes the post taking up the full width of the page, and the user "sidebar" showing more information about the poster as well as a number of other alterations

Countable Thread Reactions

Thread reactions are back, with the features we all wanted from Enjin:

User Levels

Linking in with Likes and Dislikes we now have user levels back again, we are able to add a number of diffrent levels with set numbers of "likes" needed to get. These will display on the user profile and post sidebar like on Enjin

These are just a small number of the many features Xenforo has to offer.
When we have the full version of the forums (opposed to the demo) under development more images will get shown off, allowing you to see what the final version of the forums will look like.